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发表日期:2020-04-13来源:放大 缩小


摘要:我国北方地区在旧石器晚期偏晚阶段新出现了一类加工复杂且修理精美的石器类型,可称为小型两面器。本文对旧大陆东西方晚更新世考古材料进行对比,结果显示这类小两面器在旧大陆西侧拥有更为悠久的历史。距今约7 万年前南非旧石器时代中期的Still Bay 文化已经出现,蕴含热处理技术和压制技术并已作为投射尖状器使用。到了距今4 万年前,小型两面器技术在欧洲开始兴起,逐渐形制变的多样化。我国地处旧大陆东侧,发现的小两面器无论是时代还是器形均显示与旧大陆西侧密切关联,应当是旧石器时代晚期旧大陆东西方文化交流的产物。


DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2017.0072; 中图法分类号:K871.11文献标识码: A; 文章编号:1000-3193(2020)01-0021-09


The origin of small bifacial tools of the Upper Paleolithic in China

from the Old World perspective

CHEN Youcheng, QU Tongli

Abstract: Small bifacial tool was a complicatedly retouched and beautifully finished stone tool in China which emerged during the Upper Paleolithic period. This article makes a comparative study of the Chinese Late Pleistocene archaeological materials with that of the West. The result indicates the small bifacial tool had a long history in the West, which first arised in the Still Bay Culture of South Africa about 70,000 years ago. The Still Bay bifacial tools were made through heat treatment and pressure flaking technology, having been used as projectile points. When it was 40,000 years ago, the small bifacial points flourished in Europe with diversified forms. As for the small bifacial tools found in the East Asia, both the ages and shapes show close relationship with the West, which should be the results of culture communication between the East and West during the Late Paleolithic period.

Keywords: Small bifacial tools; Old World; Culture communication between the East and West
