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发表日期:2020-04-14来源:放大 缩小

作者:隋哲峰,王 英,萨仁高娃



DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2019.0005; 中图法分类号: Q983; 文献标识码: A; 文章编号: 1000-3193(2020)01-0135-08


A study of the ocular features of Baerhu Mongolian teenagers

SUI Zhefeng, WANG Ying, SAREN Gaowa

Abstract: The research objective for this study is to provide a theoretical basis for ethnic and genetic disease identification of Baerhu Mongolian teenagers. Using anthropometric measuring techniques and instruments initially used by Martin, we investigated Mongolian wrinkles, palpebra superior wrinkles and palpebral fissure inclination on 265 teenagers (male 135; female 130), and then compared our results with published ocular reference of Mongolian peoples from Erdos, Bayannur and Alxa. The results of our work showed that Mongolian wrinkles, palpebra superior wrinkles and palpebral fissure inclination of Baerhu teenagers were different from other Mongolian tribes. The occurrence rates of Mongolian wrinkles, and palpebra superior wrinkles in Baerhu teenagers were higher than Erdos Mongolian, and other traits were lower than our data. The characteristics of Baerhu Mongolian teenagers eyes were basically consistent with other Baerhu Mongolian people. In conclusion, the ocular features of Mongolian peoples began to change significantly with age. Baerhu Mongolian ocular features significantly different from Mongolian peoples in other regions. In terms of anthropology, historical origins, language and culture, Baerhu Mongolians are different from other Mongolian ethnic groups, and should be identified as an independent tribe or ethnic group.

Key words: Mongolia; Teenagers; Anatomy; Ocular; Ethnicity
