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发表日期:2020-04-14来源:放大 缩小




DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2017.0048; 中图法分类号: Q983; 文献标识码: A; 文章编号: 1000-3193(2020)01-0143-09


A study of physical characteristics of the Baima people in China

ZHANG Xinghua, YU Keli, YANG Yajun, JIN Dan, REN Jiayi, DONG Wenjing, WEI Yu, ZHENG Lianbin

Abstract: The Baima belong to one of the unrecognized ethnic groups living in China. In this study, 69 anthropological characteristics were assessed in 233 Baima adults (93 males; 140 females) living in Pingwu City, Sichuan Province. In addition, 15 qualitative characteristics were also observed in 228 Baima adults (93 males; 135 females). The results of this research are as follows. First, the percentage of upper eyelid eyefold in Baima males was 80.65% and in Baima females 85.93%, with the frequency of the Mongoloid fold as 33.33% (male) and 39.26% (female). The opening height of eye slits in this ethnic group are narrow, with the external angle higher than the internal angle. Nasal root height in the Baima is defined as medium, with most adults having a straight nasal bridge. Baima males and females have flat and prominent cheekbones. Ear lobe types in the Baima are rounded. The upper lip skin height is medium in Baima and lip thickness is thin. Eye color is mostly brown. Baima males and females are of the hypsicephalic and tapeinocephalic type, mesorrhiny, long trunk, subbrachyskelic, and with broad chest circumference, broad shoulder breadth and narrow distance between iliac crests. Baima males are mesocephaly and mesoprosopy, but females are brachycephaly and euryprosopy. According to the mean stature of males and females, they are of the middle-type figure. These physical characteristics of the Baima belong to the northern ethnic groups, and is close to that of the Hezhen and the Russians, but distant to the Anduo Tibetan.

Key words: Anthropometry; Baima; Cluster analysis
