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发表日期:2020-08-27来源:放大 缩小

河南省文物考古研究院,郑州 450000

摘要:河南省鹤壁市的淇县宋庄东周墓地的多座墓葬不仅出土大量青铜礼乐器和陶器,而且存在人殉现象,宋庄墓地的发现为探讨东周时期豫北地区考古学文化与政治格局提供了重要线索。为了分析宋庄墓地东周墓葬人殉的种系来源,本文对其中保存较好的 7 例女性人殉颅骨进行了形态学分析。淇县宋庄组与仰韶文化的宝鸡组和大汶口、龙山文化的呈子组均具有较大相似性,与青铜时代的毛饮合并 B 组、西村周组和双楼组也较为接近。初步认为,淇县宋庄女性人殉与东周时期的豫北和晋地传统居民在体质特征存在一定的区别,而与周人畿内和郑韩故城及其以西以北地区的中原文化居民有更多的亲缘关系。 


Morphological analysis on skulls of human sacrifices from Qixian Songzhuang cemetery in Eastern Zhou period

SUN Lei, GAO Zhenlong, ZHOU Ligang, HAN Zhaohui 

Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Zhengzhou 450000 

Abstract: Along with a large number of bronze ritual and musical wares and pottery, human bones called human sacrifices have been unearthed from many tombs of Eastern Zhou Period at Qixian Songzhuang cemetery in Hebi City, Henan Province. Songzhuang cemetery could provid important clues for researching the archaeological culture and political pattern in the northern Henan region of Eastern Zhou period. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse the ethnic features of human sacrifices from Songzhuang cemetery. 7 cases of female skulls with good preservation were observed and measured. The Songzhuang female skulls were similar to Baoji group of Yangshao Culture and Chengzi Group of Dawenkou-Longshan Culture, and were also similar to Mao-Yin merged B group, Xicun Zhou group and Shuanglou group. It was preliminarily concluded that human sacrifices from Qixian Songzhuang were different from traditional residents of northern Henan and Shanxi in Eastern Zhou period in terms of physical characteristics , and were more closely related to residents in capital city of Zhou Dynasty and populations with Central Plains Culture in Zheng-Han old city and its west and north.

Keywords: Qixian Songzhuang cemetery; Eastern Zhou period; Female human sacrifices; Human skulls
