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通过烟台午台遗址人牙结石淀粉粒 探究人类对植物资源的利用

发表日期:2020-08-27来源:放大 缩小
赵珍珍 1,王富强 2 ,陈松涛 1,靳桂云 3  
1.山东大学历史文化学院,济南 2501002.烟台市博物馆,烟台 2640013.山东大学文化遗产研究院,济南 250100

摘要:本研究通过对山东烟台市午台遗址人牙结石淀粉粒的分析,发现了来自禾本科的粟(Setaria italica L.)、小麦族(Triticeae)、壳斗科栎属(Quercus sp.)、豆科(Fabaceae)及块根块茎类植物的淀粉粒,数量较为丰富,种属来源较为多样,显示了午台遗址先民利用植物性食物资源的多样性。研究表明午台先民除了利用粟黍类农作物作为主要食物资源外,还广泛采集一些野生果类和块根块茎类作为食物的补充。本研究中发现了大遗存中没有发现的壳斗科栎属等,弥补了大遗存研究的不足。  


Plant resources utilization at the Wutai site in Yantai county: Ancient starch residue evidence from human dental calculus 

ZHAO Zhenzhen1, WANG Fuqiang2, CHEN Songtao1, JIN Guiyun3 

1. School of History and Culture,Shandong Uninversity,Jinan 250100; 2. Yantai Museum,Yantai 264001; 3. Institute of Cultural Heritage, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100 

Abstract: Through the analysis of the starch grain of the human dental calculus of 27 samples from 7 individuals from the Wutai site, Shandong Province, a rich variety of plant starch grains on the surface of these human dental calculus were found, including millets, Triticeae grasses, roots and tubes and Fabaceae plant speciece. Results of this work have shown that the ancestors of Wutai not only used millet crops as the main food resources, but also collected some wild fruits and tubers as food supplement. In this paper, starchy plants, such as acorns which were not found in the macro-botaincal remains, but were recovered and identified in the micro-botaincal remains from the human dental calculus. Starch grain analysis makes up for the deficiency of the macro-botaincal remains.

Keywords: Wutai site; Dental calculus; Starch grain; Plant resources
