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发表日期:2020-04-28来源:放大 缩小




中图法分类号:K876.2 ; 文献标识码:A; 文章编号:1000-3193(2020)e-0000-10

A study on the production patterns and strategies of the Acheulean large flakes

LEI Lei, LI Dawei, MA Xiaorong

Abstract: Producing large flakes and making the Large Cutting Tools are two core elements of the Acheulean technology. Compared with the extensive studies on the making of Acheulean tools, the technologies and strategies of producing Acheulean large flakes have received less attention in China. In this study, we focus on introducing a variety of the large flake production technologies abroad, with the analysis of the patterns and characteristics of each method. According to the complexity of these methods, we have divided them into three groups. The first group mainly refers to the Cobble Opening Technology, which uses natural features of the cobble to produce a single large flake. The second group includes Bifacial Core Method, Sliced Slab Method and Kombewa Method, which share common technological characteristics of producing a series of large flakes by effectively organizing the reductional sequences of large cores. The third group includes the Chirki Method, the Tabelbala-Tachenghit Method and the Victoria West Method, which are the most sophisticated core flaking technologies in the Acheulean. Those methods have already shown a certain degree of core preparation and result in the production of large flakes with consistent morphology. Based on the above analysis, we present a preliminary study of large cores and flakes discovered from the Baise Basin in South China, and furthermore,discuss the significance of these products in completing our understanding of the lithic technology in the region.

Key words: Acheulean technology; Large core; Large flake; Production strategy; Baise Basin
