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  • 姓名: 吴妍
  • 性别: 女
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 010-88369294
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: wuyan@ivpp.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 北京市西城区西直门外大街142号
    简  历:
  • 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所研究员,博士生导师。2008年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学。目前已在Nature Communications、National Science Review、Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences、Journal of Archaeological Science、中国科学、人类学学报等国内外期刊发表研究论文50余篇,研究成果为央视新闻、新华社、人民网、中新社、科技日报和AAAS等国内外媒体报道。已获国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、面上项目2项、国家社科基金重大项目子课题1项。作为团队骨干成员,参与国家重点研发计划,获得北京市科学技术奖1次,并入选2018年中国科学院青年创新促进会,现任中国科学技术史学会科技考古专业委员会副秘书长,《人类学学报》编委。

  • 以微体植物化石分析(植硅体分析,淀粉粒分析)为依托,探讨早期农业活动以及农业传播和古环境关系研究;开展石器、牙结石、粪化石等植硅体与淀粉粒分析,探索人与动物的食物结构和古环境变化;开展植硅体特性机理研究及其在考古中应用。

  •   2011年  主持中国科学院科技先导项目子课题专项 

      2010年  主持国家自然基金青年项目 

      2008年  主持中国博士后科学基金 

    1. Yan Wu, Yong Ge, Han Hu, Thomas A. Stidham, Zhiheng Li*, Alida M. Bailleul & Zhonghe Zhou. Intra-gastric phytoliths provide evidence for folivory in basal avialans of the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota. Nature communications 14, 4558 (2023). IF:16.6/Q1)(Nature子刊)
    2. Yan Wu , Zhiheng Li, Thomas A. Stidham, Swee Yeok Foong. (2023). Phytolith evidence reveals the origin of angiosperm leaf eating habits among ancient Cretaceous birds. The Innovation 4(5), 100500. IF:32/Q1
    3. Yan Wu*, Dawei Tao, Xiujie Wu, Wu Liu and Yanjun Cai. Diet of the earliest modern humans in East Asia, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 10.3389/fpls.2022.989308IF:6.627/Q1)(SCI
    4. Yan Wu*, Guangmao Xie*, Limi Mao, Zhijun Zhao, M Belmaker. Phytolith evidence for human-plant subsistence in Yahuai Cave (Guangxi, South China) over the past 30000 years. Science China Earth Sciences, 2020, 63: 1745-1757IF:5.4/Q1)(SCI
    5. Yan Wu, Hai-lu You*, Xiaoqiang Li. Dinosaur-associated Poaceae epidermis and phytoliths from the Early Cretaceous of China, National Science Review, 2018, 5: 721-727. IF:23.1/Q1)(SCI
    6. Yan Wu, Tao Deng, Yaowu Hu, Jiao Ma, Xinying Zhou, Limi Mao, Hanwen Zhang, Jie Ye, Shi-Qi Wang*. A grazing Gomphotherium in Middle Miocene Central Asia, 10 million years prior to the origin of the Elephantidae, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):7640.SCI
    7. Jinyi Wang, Xiaochun Chen, Guowen Zhang.Guilin Zhang, Yan Wu*. The history of agriculture in the mountainous areas of the lower yangtze river since the late neolithic, Frontiers of Earth Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11707-021-0956-zSCI
    8. Zhenwei Qiu, Leping Jiang, Changsui Wang,David V. Hill, Yan Wu*.New evidence for rice cultivation from the Early Neolithic Hehuashan site, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2019, 11, 1259–1272.SSCI &SCI
    9. Yan Wu*, XiaoNing Guo, WeiLin Wang, XiangLong Chen, Zhijun Zhao, Xiumin Xia, YiMin Yang. Red pigments and Boraginaceae leaves in mortuary ritual of late Neolithic China: A case study of Shengedaliang site. Microsc. Res. Tech. Microsc. Res.Tech, 2017, 80: 231-238. SCI
    10. Yan Wu*, Limi Mao*, Can Wang, Jianping Zhang, Zhijun Zhao. Phytolith evidence suggests early domesticated rice since 5600 cal BP on Hainan Island of South China. Quaternary International, 2016, 426,120-125. SCI
    11. Yan Wu*, Leping Jiang, Yunfei Zheng, Changsui Wang, Zhijun Zhao*. Morphological trend analysis of rice phytolith during the early Neolithic in the Lower Yangtze. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2014 (49):326-331. SSCI &SCI
    12. Yan Wu*, Yimin Yang*, Tiqiao Xiao, David V. Hill, Changsui Wang. Characterization of silica distribution in rice husk using Synchrotron Radiation µCT and its implications for archaeological interpretation. Microscopy Research and Technique, 77(10), 785–789, 2014. SCI
    13. Yan Wu*, Yimin Yang, Hua Wang, Changsui Wang. The effects of chemical composition and distribution on the preservation of phytolith morphology. A.P.A 114(2): 503-507, 2014. SCI
    14. Yan Wu*, Changsui Wang. The transformation of phytolith morphology as the result of their exposure to high temperature. Microscopy Research and Technique 75(7):852-855, 2012. SCI
    15. Yan Wu, Changsui Wang, EDF Phytolith Analysis From Heying Site, Southeast China, Shang-Zhou Dynasties. Microscopy Research and Technique, 74(11):1062-1068, 2011.SCI
    16. Yan Wu, Changsui Wang, Extended Depth of Focus for Phytolith Analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 2009, 36(10):2253-2257. SCI&SSCI
    17. Dawei Tao, Yan Wu*, Zhizhong Guo, David V. Hill, Changsui Wang. Starch grain analysis for groundstone tools from Neolithic Baiyinchanghan site: implications for their function in Northeast ChinaJournal of Archaeological Science, 38(12):3577-3583, 2011. SCI&SSCI
    18. Xiuping Sun, Yan Wu*, Changsui Wang, David V. Hil. Comparing dry ashing and wet oxidation methods. The case of the rice husk (Oryza sativa L.), Microscopy Research and Technique, 75(9):1272-1276, 2011(SCI)
    19. Wang, Shi-Qi, Jie Ye, Jin Meng*, Chunxiao Li, Loïc Costeur, Bastien Mennecart, Chi Zhang, Ji Zhang, Manuela Aiglstorfer, Yang Wang, Yan Wu, Wen-Yu Wu, Tao Deng*. 2022. Sexual selection promotes giraffoid head-neck evolution and ecological adaptation. Science 376, eabl8316.IF: 47. 7
    20. Tingting Wang, Dong Wei, Zhilong Jiang, Xiumin Xia, Yan Wu, Zhen Han, Yating Qu, Yaowu Hu, Benjamin T. Fuller. Microfossil analysis of dental calculus and isotopic measurements reveal the complexity of human-plant dietary relationships in Late Bronze Age Yunnan[J]. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2022, 14(5): 1-17.SCI&SSCI
    21. Chen, T., Hou, L.L., Jiang, H.E., Wu, Y., Henry, A.G. Starch grains from human teeth reveal the plant consumption of proto-Shang people (c. 2000–1600 BC) from Nancheng site, Hebei, China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13: 153, 2021. (SCI)
    22. Chen H, Wang S Q, Tao D W XIA Xiu-Min, CHEN Shan-Qin, Wu Yan*. Implications for Late Miocene diet from Diceros gansuensis: starch granules in tooth calculus. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.1000-3118,2018. 
    23. CHEN XiangLong GUO XiaoNing WANG WeiLin HU SongMei YANG MiaoMiao WU Yan, HU YaoWu The subsistence patterns of the Shengedaliang site (~4,000 yr BP) revealed by stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in northern Shaanxi, China SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. Sci. China Earth Sci. 60, 268–276 (2017). (SCI)
    24. Tao Chen, Yan Wu, Yongbing Zhang, Bo Wang, Yaowu Hu, Changsui Wang, Hongen Jiang. Archaeobotanical study of ancient food and cereal remains at the Astana Cemeteries, Xinjiang, China. PLoS ONE, 7(9):1-9(e45137), 2012.(SCI)
    25. Wang, X., Jiang, H., Wang, T., Wu, Y., Zhang, P., Wang, W., Wang, C., Shang, X., 2014. Comparison of Dry Ashing and Wet Oxidation Methods for Husk Phytoliths of Foxtail Millet and Common Millet Extraction from Archaeological Soil. Journal of Archaeological Science (45):234-239, 2014.  SCI&SSCI
    26. WANG Wenjuan, LI Zhanyang, SONG Guoding, WU Yan*. A Study of Possible Hyaena Coprolites from the Lingjing Site, Central China. 人类学学报, 34(1), pp 117-125, 2015. 
    27. 夏秀敏,王力之,陶大卫,杜 伟,靳松安,张 建,吴 妍*. 从文坎沟东地点的植物遗存分析南阳盆地先秦时期的农业活动. 人类学学报, 41(5): 899-912, 2022.
    28. 马嘉成, 周新郢, 吴妍*. 植食性非鸟恐龙胃(肠)容物研究综述.古生物学报, 60(4):14,2021.
    29. 夏秀敏,陈鹤,吴妍. 植硅体分析在古脊椎动物牙结石中的研究进展. 第十七届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集. 董为, 张颖奇主编. 北京:海洋出版社, 261-272,2021. 
    30. 任萌, 杨益民, 仝涛, 李林辉, 赤列次仁, 吴妍. 西藏阿里曲踏墓地及加嘎子墓地可见残留物的科技分析. 考古与文物, (001), 122-128,2020.
    31. 夏秀敏,殷宇鹏, 许卫红, 吴妍*水稻遗存在陕西华县东阳遗址的发现与探讨.  人类学学报, 38(1): 119-131,2019.
    32. 夏秀敏, 张萍, 吴妍*. 广东珠江三角洲地区茶岭遗址的水稻遗存分析. 第四纪研究, 39(1): 24-36,2019.
    33. 孙青丽, 朔知, 吴妍, 杨益民. 安徽含山凌家滩遗址出土刻槽盆的淀粉粒分析.  人类学学报, 38(1): 132-147, 2019.
    34. 吴妍,蒋乐平,郑云飞,王昌燧,赵志军. 长江下游地区水稻植硅体形态变化趋势研究.上山文化论集. 北京:中国文史出版社,1-240,2018.
    35. 吴妍*. 植硅体在稻作起源研究中的应用. 科技考古与文物保护技术. 北京:科学出版 社,1-300,2018.
    36. 陈文, 夏秀敏, 吴妍, 周文华,施继龙. 植硅体分析在纸张鉴别中的新应用. 北京印刷学院学报, 2017, 25(2):1-5.
    37. 夏秀敏,孙周勇,杨利平,康宁武,陈相龙,王昌燧,吴 妍*陕北榆林王阳畔遗址的植硅体分析.人类学学报,35(2), pp 257-266, 2016.
    38. 陈涛,江章华,何锟宇,杨 洋,Jade d’Alpoim Guedes,蒋洪恩,胡耀武,王昌燧,吴 妍*. 四川新津宝墩遗址的植硅体分析.人类学学报, 34(2), pp 225-233, 2015.
    39. 李文成、宋国定、吴妍*,河南淅川坑南遗址石制品表面残留淀粉粒的初步分析,人类学学报, 33(2), pp 70-81, 2014. 
    40. 孙青丽, 夏秀敏, 王慧, 吕良波, 吴妍, 杨益民.广州榄园岭遗址先民祭祀遗迹的炭屑和植硅体分析. 文物保护与考古科学, 2017, 29(4), 53-61.
    41. 王文娟、吴妍、宋国定、赵克良、李占扬 ,灵井许昌人遗址鬣狗粪化石的孢粉和真菌孢子研究 ,科学通报, 58,51-56, 2013. 
    42. 吴妍*, 王昌燧, Linda Scott Cummings, Patricia C. Anderson. 安徽何郢遗址植物残体切割形态与脱粒农具的关系,文物保护与考古科学, 第1期, 62-66页,2012.  
    43. 陶大卫, 吴妍, KarenHard.古代淀粉鉴别的新方法:耐热性淀粉酶降解法,第四纪研究, 第32卷,第2期,264-268页, 2012.  
    44. 李涛 吴妍 王昌燧 方晓阳 谢云峰 施继龙 植硅体分析:鉴别古纸原料的新思路? ——以安徽泾县所产现代宣纸的分析为例文化資產保存學刊/第八期/頁40-47(台湾),2009。 
    45. 陶大卫,杨益民,黄卫东 吴妍 吴耀利 王昌燧 雕龙碑遗址出土器物残留淀粉粒分析.考古,2009,(9):92-96.
    46. 赵卓,靳松安,司彬,曹艳朋,吴妍,郑万泉,王昌燧. 淅川沟湾遗址红烧土中植物遗存的辨别,华夏考古, 3,34-37, 2012.
    47. 吴妍,武仙竹,陶大卫,胡耀武,王昌燧. 2008. 湖北郧西黄龙洞遗址的植硅体分析.董为(主编)第十一届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集. 北京:海洋出版社,213-220. 
    48. 姚政权 吴妍 王昌燧 赵春青 河南新密新砦遗址植硅石分析 考古, 2007年第3期90-94. 
    49. 吴妍 黄文川 姚政权 宫希成,安徽滁州何郢遗址的植硅体分析,农业考古,2005年第3期54-59. 
    50. 姚政权 吴妍 王昌燧 蔡钢铁 王海明 温州老鼠山遗址的植硅石分析 农业考古2005年第1期:54-58.  
    51. 姚政权 吴妍 王昌燧 何驽 赵志军 襄汾陶寺遗址的植硅石分析 农业考古 2006年3期57-61.  
    52. 吴妍 姚政权 龚明 赵志军 王昌燧 三维重建在植硅体研究中的应用,农业考古,2006年第1期60-64.  
    53. 吴妍 黄文川 王昌燧 杨益民 王峰 姚政权 安徽霍邱堰台遗址的植硅体分析 农业考古2007年,第1期56-60.
  • 2022年  中国科学院古脊椎所  优秀共产党员

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