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咖啡沙龙之五十三期——Dwarfing in relation to Homo floresiensis & Cenozoic Reptile Research in North America and China

发表日期:2012-06-27来源:放大 缩小


报告一:Dwarfing in relation to Homo floresiensis

主讲: 姚璐Lu Yao

讲座内容:发现于印度尼西亚东部弗洛里斯岛的弗洛里斯人(Homo floresiensis)引起了学术界的极大关注,对于其系统位置也存在着很大的分歧。发现者的观点认为弗洛里斯人是在隔离的孤岛上演化出的一个分支,而质疑者认为应该属于一个侏儒或是患有头小畸形病的人。本讲座将根据蝙蝠头骨的形态大小及演化讨论动物在隔离环境下的演化现象,并对弗洛里斯人的系统位置进行探讨。

讲座人简介:姚璐毕业于美国西北大学(Northwestern University),现在是美国芝加哥大学的博士生,论文导师是Dr. Robert D. Martin & Dr. Callum Ross。她从事过的研究项目有:Testing evolutionary brain size change in bats;Island dwarfism and the tiny brain of the “Hobbit”;The evolution of visual opsin genes in primates;A comparative analysis of primate digestion等。姚璐目前在2012年中美青年科学家交流计划支持下来我所从事短期客座工作,根据猕猴上颌骨显微CT数据进行3D虚拟解剖。

报告二:Cenozoic Reptile Research in North America and China

主讲:David Moscato

Research Interests:
I am interested in the evolution of Cenozoic reptiles, specifically squamates (lizards and snakes).  My Master’s thesis is a description of an Eocene lizard from California, and I have numerous research projects centered on examining the distribution of snakes and other herpetofauna in the Neogene of North America. 
Collaboration with Prof. Jin Changzhu and Dr. Wang Yuan, the focus of my research at the IVPP during summer of 2012 is describing the herpetofauna of Quaternary China, with a focus on squamates from cave sediments.

David Moscato is a graduate student of Geosciences Department at East Tennessee State University. (Advisor: Prof. Jim Mead)
He got Bachelor in 2010 on Geobiology from Pennsylvania State University. (Advisor: Prof. Russell Graham)


