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The Paleobiology of Modern Human Emergence

发表日期:2013-06-16来源:放大 缩小

题目: The Paleobiology of Modern Human Emergence
报告人: Pro. Erik Trinkaus
时间地点: 2013年6月20日,上午9:30
地点: 6楼谈古斋 
   Erik Trinkaus is a prominent paleoanthropologist and expert on Neanderthal biology and human evolution. Trinkaus researches the evolution of the species Homo sapiens and recent human diversity, focusing on the paleoanthropology and emergence of late archaic and early modern humans, and the subsequent evolution of anatomically modern humanity. Trinkaus is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a contributor to publications including Natural History and Scientific American, and is frequently quoted in the popular media. Trinkaus is the Mary Tileston Hemenway Professor of Physical Anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis.



