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学术报告:Neandertal Neighbors: Late Pleistocene Perspectives on Neandertal Paleobiology

发表日期:2016-05-30来源:放大 缩小

  题目:   Neandertal Neighbors: Late Pleistocene Perspectives on Neandertal Paleobiology 

  报告人Erik Trinkaus  

  时间:  201662日,上午9:30 

  地点  六楼“谈古斋” 


  Erik Trinkaus为美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学教授、美国科学院院士、中国科学院杰出访问学者,侧重于尼安德特人、早期现代人演化及其行为方式的研究。 

  Abstract:  Studies of the Neandertals have emphasized possible differences in levels and patterns of behavior between them and modern humans.  However, most of the comparisons have been between the Neandertals and late Holocene humans.  Re-assessments of Neandertal remains in comparison to their neighbors in time and space (Middle Paleolithic and Upper Paleolithic modern humans), and taking into account features that are ancestral and may not indicate their behavioral patterns, indicate that most of the Neandertal patterns are shared by Late Pleistocene humans.  The contrasts are mostly with Holocene sedentary people, not with the Neandertals' neighbors. 
