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发表日期:2016-11-21来源:放大 缩小

封面说明:安徽模鼠兔(Mimotona wana Li, 1977)的复原及头骨前半部。模鼠兔产于安徽潜山盆地古新统,被认为是兔形类的祖先类型。图的右上方为安徽模鼠兔头骨前半部腹面视,照片由高伟拍摄;图的左下方为模鼠兔复原图,系陈瑜在李传夔教授指导下绘制。背景为潜山盆地化石产地赤陡坎,系王元青所摄。详见本期李传夔等人文。

Cover image: The anterior half of the skull and reconstruction of Mimotona wana Li, 1977. Mimotona is considered to be ancestor form of Lagomorpha. Its specimens were found from the Paleocene of the Qianshan Basin, Anhui Province, China. On top-right is a photo of an anterior half skull of M. wana in ventral view (taken by Mr. Gao wei). On bottom-left is the reconstruction of Mimotona, drawn by Mr. Chen Yu under the guidance of Prof. Li Chuan-Kui. The background is the exposures at Chidoukan, one of the fossil localities in the Qianshan Basin (taken by Dr. Wang Yuan-Qing). See details in the paper of Li et al.
