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发表日期:2018-03-19来源:放大 缩小

作者:杨嘉声  董黎阳 

摘要:本文记述了陕西佳县螅镇乡二马营组下段上部产出的三个潜穴。这是我国报道的首例三叠纪的四足动物潜穴。大潜穴叠覆在两个小潜穴之上,推测小潜穴应该是在大潜穴被充填之后挖掘形成。大潜穴简单,长, 轻微弯曲,两侧密布抓痕;小潜穴保存了部分通道以及居住室,表面抓痕不明显。大潜穴可以归入遗迹种:Reniformichnus katikatii, 将其时代延续到中三叠世安尼期。小潜穴则无法归入已知的遗迹属种。大潜穴的造迹者则可能是肯氏兽类的幼体,小潜穴的造迹者推测是中国颌兽或者前棱蜥类。 

Tetrapod burrows from the Triassic Ermaying Formation of Shaanxi, China

  YANG Jia-Sheng, YI Jian,  DONG Li-Yang, LIU Jun 

Abstract   Tetrapod burrow records are rare in the pre-Cenozoic strata of China. Here we report three casts of vertebrate burrows from the Ermaying Formation at Xizhen, Jiaxian, Shaanxi, China. They represent the first record of casts of the tetrapod burrows from the Chinese Triassic strata. One large burrow cast is underlain by two small burrow casts, and the small burrows were likely constructed after the infilling of the larger, upper burrow. The large burrow cast is elongated and inclined, with a very gently curved morphology. The surface of the large burrow cast is covered by grooves that resemble the apparent “scratch marks” described in previous publications. The large burrow is comparable to those produced by Reniformichnus katikatii, but it is at least twice the size of the holotype. The small burrow casts are preserved as terminal chambers with entry ramps, and no distinct scratch marks are present on the surface. It is difficult to compare them to the currently described ichnotaxa. The maker of the large burrow might be a juvenile of Sinokannemeyeria or Parakannemeyeria, while the small burrows may have been made by a member of Sinognathus or a procolophonid. 
Key words   Jiaxian, Shaanxi, China; Ermaying Formation; Anisian, Middle Triassic; vertebrate burrow 

