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发表日期:2017-09-21来源:放大 缩小

作者:王燕芳,魏存峰,阙介民,张文定,孙翠丽, 舒岩峰,侯叶茂,张久昶, 史戎坚,魏 龙

摘要:古生物化石研究传统的磨片法耗时,且具有破坏性,研究者不可能对珍贵的化石标本进行这样的操作,因此研究只能停留在化石的外表面。而古生物CT装置的出现使研究者可以对化石内部结构进行无损检测,得到上千层化石的图像数据。本文主要论述国内首套古生物CT装置的研制及典型应用,其中225-3D-μCT显微CT系统具有三维成像能力,最高分辨率达5 μm, 可以检测直径100 mm, 高度100 mm尺度的化石;450-TY-ICT通用型CT可对大尺寸化石高信噪比成像,检测范围是直径800 mm, 高度1000 mm, 分辨率达200 μm。这两台古生物CT以高成像性能满足了研究者对不同尺度化石的不同检测需求,成为中国古生物化石研究中非常重要的技术手段。

Development and applications of paleontological computed tomography

WANG Yan-Fang, WEI Cun-Feng, QUE Jie-Min, ZHANG Wen-Ding, SUN Cui-Li, SHU Yan-Feng, HOU Ye-Mao, ZHANG Jiu-Chang, SHI Rong-Jian, WEI Long

Abstract   The traditional serial grinding method used to investigate the internal structure of fossils cannot be readily applied to valuable fossil specimens due to its destructive and time-consuming nature. Computed tomography (CT) is an ideal non-destructive technique for investigating the internal structure of fossils, in which thousands of serial images are obtained and used to produce an accurate reconstruction of the internal morphology. This paper reviews the design, development and applications of the first CT system in China dedicated exclusively to scanning fossils. The 225 kV three-dimensional (3D) fossil micro-CT (225-3D-μCT) is capable of high-resolution volumetric imaging, with a resolution up to 5 μm, and can accommodate specimens measuring up to 100 mm in diameter and 100 mm in length. The 450 kV ordinary fossil CT (450-TY-ICT) can produce high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) images of specimens ranging up to 800 mm in diameter and 1000 mm in length, with a resolution up to 200 μm. Two paleontological CT facilities represent a high-performance platform offering the functional diversity needed to meet the demands of studying fossils at a variety of different scales. The two machines have become indispensable for paleontological research in China. 
Key Words   fossils; industrial computed tomography; paleontology 

