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发表日期:2019-07-25来源:放大 缩小
作者:郑绍华,张颖奇,崔  宁
摘要:泥河湾盆地因产出丰富的哺乳动物化石及众多的旧石器地点而久负盛名。为弄清盆地地层的年代范围,近年开展了包括生物地层学、磁性地层学、沉积学、地球化学、孢粉学等多学科的综合研究。目前主要分歧在于对泥河湾层的年代学认识,表现在生物地层学与磁性地层学研究结果不一致。新种化石材料即是从甄选的典型剖面中采集的。鼠平亚科和鼢鼠亚科由于演化趋势明显并且容易量化、演化速率快,对晚新生代生物地层学的研究具有十分突出的意义。鉴于此,对产自泥河湾盆地的鼠平亚科三个新种(泥河湾模鼠Mimomys nihewanensis sp. nov.、简齿松田鼠Pitymys simplicidens sp. nov.、前中华波尔索地鼠Borsodia prechinensis sp. nov.)及鼢鼠亚科两个新种(稻地上新鼢鼠Pliosiphneus daodiensis sp. nov.、铺路上新鼢鼠P. puluensis sp. nov.)进行了简要记述,以期对泥河湾盆地生物地层学框架的建立有所帮助,并从生物进化的角度为泥河湾层的年代学认识提供新证据。

Five new species of Arvicolinae and Myospalacinae from the Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene of Nihewan Basin
ZHENG Shao-Hua, ZHANG Ying-Qi, CUI Ning
Abstract   The Nihewan Basin has been well known for its Cezonoic fossiliferous fluvio-lacustrine deposits and paleolithic sites for almost a century. There have been considerable research efforts devoted to the understanding of the geology, chronology, and stratigraphy of this complex of sedimentary body. The current fundamental problem lies in the chronological aspect of the Nihewan Beds. Arvicolinae and Myospalacinae are two groups of rodents characterized by rapid evolutionary rates and quantifiable evolutionary trends, and hence particularly helpful in Late Cenozoic biostratigraphic correlations. Therefore, we briefly describe three new species of Arvicolinae and two new species of Myospalacinae that mainly came from the selected sections in the Nihewan Basin. Hopefully, they would contribute towards the establishment of the biostratigraphic framework of the Nihewan Basin and provide new evidence on the chronological understanding of the Nihewan Beds from an evolutionary point of view.
Key words   Nihewan; Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene; Arvicolinae; Myospalacinae